What is the Ministry of Health Subsidy?
A Government Subsidy known as The Wigs and Hairpieces service payment is a payment to people who suffer from temporary or permanent hair loss because of a medical condition or from certain cancer therapies. The payments are to reduce the cost of purchasing and maintaining a Wig or Hairpiece and obtaining Headwear such as hats and turbans.
To claim you
Must be a New Zealand citizen or ordinarily resident in New Zealand
and - have a current medical certificate with your NHI number, details of the hair loss condition and whether it is permanent or temporary from your specialist or general practitioner (GP)
Current entitlements |
Entitlement inclusive of GST |
Entitlement period |
Adults over 18 years with permanent hair loss |
$2330.66 |
9 years |
Adults over 18 years with temporary hair loss |
$408.88 |
1 year |
Children under 18 years with temporary or permanent hair loss |
$1226.66 |
3 years |
The Entitlement period is time over which each grant applies from the time of your first claim. You can claim all or part of your entitlement at any time over the entitlement period.
More information is available on the Ministry of Health website: Click here
Can I spend the Subsidy on a wig as well as headwear?
If you have a temporary loss of hair for example due to chemotherapy, then the likelihood is that the cost of a wig will be more than the value of the subsidy. Any headwear you need in addition will have to be paid for by you.
Hat Tricks focusses on those who prefer not to wear a wig, which includes nearly all men and a large number of women.
If you have permanent loss of hair for example due to cranial radiotherapy, surgery and alopecia, then the subsidy is generous enough in most cases to cover the cost of wig(s) and headwear
I have already used the Government Subsidy for temporary hair loss on a Wig in the last 12 months. Can I still get headwear?
You can still purchase headwear through the website, but you will need to pay for this yourself.
The Government subsidy for temporary hair loss is $408.89 in any 12 month period, whether you use it on wigs and/or headwear. If 12 months have lapsed since your last claim was started, and you still are experiencing loss of hair, then you can apply for another grant. Just follow steps as if you were claiming for the first time.
What paperwork do I need?
I am spending my full $408.89 entitlement for temporary hair loss
From You – Signed Claim form: download this form and complete the highlighted areas: section 1 and sign and date the certification
From your Hospital specialist/GP/ other related healthcare professional – medical letter: this is often a standard letter that cancer departments have. It should have your details on including your date of birth or your patient label. It must state your cause of hair loss (e.g. chemotherapy) and that this a temporary condition. It must be signed by the doctor, nurse or healthcare professional.
Please email both these pieces of paperwork to sales@hat-tricks.co.nz or post to :
Hat Tricks
53 Fraser Street
Tauranga South
No goods will be dispatched until we have paperwork that will qualify for payment of your claim.
I am spending part of my $408.89 entitlement for temporary hair loss and have not made a claim before
From You – Signed Claim form: download THIS FORM and complete section 1 (the eligible person) and sign and date the certification… we can do the rest.
From you Hospital specialist/GP/ other related healthcare professional – medical letter: this is often a standard letter that cancer departments have. It should have your details on including your date of birth or your patient label. It must state your cause of hair loss (e.g. chemotherapy) and that this a temporary condition. It must be signed by the doctor, nurse or healthcare professional.
Please email both these pieces of paperwork to sales@hat-tricks.co.nz or post to:
Hat Tricks
53 Fraser Street
Tauranga South
No goods will be dispatched until we have paperwork that will qualify for payment of your claim.
I am spending part of my entitlement for permanent hair loss and have not made a claim before
From You – Signed Claim form: download THIS FORM and complete section 1 (the eligible person) and sign and date the certification… we can do the rest.
From your Hospital specialist/GP/ other related healthcare professional – medical letter: this is often a standard letter that cancer departments have. It should have your details on including your date of birth or your patient label. It must state your cause of hair loss (e.g. chemotherapy) and that this a temporary condition. It must be signed by the doctor, nurse or healthcare professional.
Please email both these pieces of paperwork to sales@hat-tricks.co.nz or post to:
Hat Tricks
53 Fraser Street
Tauranga South
No goods will be dispatched until we have paperwork that will qualify for payment of your claim.
I am spending part of my entitlement for hair loss and have made a claim before
From You – Signed Claim form: download THIS FORM and complete section 1 (the eligible person); confirm it’s a subsequent claim in the claim section and sign and date the certification… we can do the rest'
Please email your completed claim form to sales@hat-tricks.co.nz or post to:
Hat Tricks
53 Fraser Street
Tauranga South
No goods will be dispatched until we have paperwork that will qualify for payment of your claim.
How do I place an order?
53 Fraser Street
Tauranga South
What happens if I don't spend my full credit?
Your remaining balance will stay on your account as a credit however this amount will expire when your entitlement period ends.